Team Ireland 2010

This is the MBBC Team Ireland blog. Stop in every now and then to see what’s going on with our team in Ireland!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Beacons of Blessing

Today was an amazing day! God is so gracious and wonderful to those who desire to serve Him. This morning the men went bright and early to a prayer meeting and then were able to minister at a boys' home. They had the opportunity of sharing the gospel and singing with these young men. We pray that their testimony and witness will impact these young men's lives. At the same time, the ladies were able to go into some of the shops in the small town of Bray. In the afternoon, the entire team went out to several of the estate suburbs and passed out tracts, known as Beacons. Several of the team members were able to talk to different people and witness to them. The missionary, Dan Pero, had the opportunity of talking to a man for a while about the Word. We hope to see fruit from his labors. One team member made the comment that Pastor Pero is a Ninja Warrior. He just goes out with his Gospel guns blazing. =) He has been such an encouragement to the team. He and his family, along with the other missionary Sabrina, are so faithful to the Lord and His cause. Ireland is a hard nation, very Catholic. Many are not open to the true Gospel. They look to so many other things for comfort and salvation, but not to the True Comforter and Savior. These missionaries have been here for nearly 10 years, and they still preach the Word even though converts are few.
Tonight, the ladies were able to go to the Ladies Meeting at the church. We were able to give our testimonies and Sarah gave a brief devotional. We got to hear the ladies' testimonies of the church as well. Pina is a little lady from the Philippines, and Sunette is a lovely lady from South Africa. Their testimonies and faithfulness to the church are such a blessing to us. We hope to spend more time getting to know them this week. It's only Day 3 in Ireland and already we feel as if we've been here for a lifetime. Please continue to pray for us as we will partake in street preaching tomorrow and and passing out Beacons.

~Anna Baxter~

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