Team Ireland 2010

This is the MBBC Team Ireland blog. Stop in every now and then to see what’s going on with our team in Ireland!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back in the US of A

Hello all we are home!!! Thank you for all the prayers. Ireland was so awesome! God has worked in my life so much through this trip. I was so challenge by the missionaries in Ireland and their faithfulness in serving Christ.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Beginning of the End

Well, after months of planning, praying, practicing songs, putting together games and skits, and anxiously awaiting, TEAM IRELAND departed from the United States and landed in Ireland. Now, a little over three weeks later we have come to the end of our time here and are looking towards our flight home in the morning.
What an amazing three weeks it has been! We have seen the Lord work in magnificent ways. We've seen His protection in travel, His grace and help while street-preaching and witnessing, and His mercy and love in changed lives. The missionary families we've met and worked with over the three weeks were great too! It has been so neat to be able to see the various techniques that are used in ministry to meet the needs of different people. It's also been immensely helpful to me to get the opportunity to talk personally with the missionaries and learn about their work here and gain insight into unique challenges they face.
I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to come on this trip, especially getting to come on it with Josh by my side. We have grown and learned much over this trip and are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us, whether here on this island or elsewhere, in the future. Instead of an end of a wonderful missions trip, this is rather the beginning.

Annie Newcomer

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pictures from Ireland

Nearing the End

I can hardly believe that I've been in Ireland for 3 weeks as of today. It has been an amazing journey so far and I have grown so much in what God has been teaching me in having a heart for those who don't know the incredible love and power of God, especially those I know. This week, we've had a wonderful time getting to know some wonderful Irish people and serving alongside other believers. It is a small taste of heaven to be with many believers from other nations. God has also pushed me to go outside my comfort zone and do things I never thought I could do. I have also had the wonderful opportunity of working with some fellow team members I never would have gotten to know outside of being put together for this trip. I've had fun and learned so much. A special word of thanks to those who made it possible for me to go through your money and prayers. :)

3 weeks ago, it seemed like the trip would be incredibly long, but now, as I near the end, it seems incredibly short. My prayers will be with the different people serving Christ in the darkness of Ireland, bringing the light of the gospel to those who have never heard or are searching for truth.

*Sarah Hall

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank you to everyone who has been thinking of and praying for Team Ireland over the last three weeks--it's hard to believe we've been here that long! The team has been able to participate in so many different ministry opportunities such as street preaching, working in the creche (Irish for nursery), singing in many church services, and even painting and hanging wallpaper. Getting to know my teammates, each pastor, and many fellow believers has been a great blessing. God has taught me a lot on this trip, and I am so thankful that He gave me the privilege to come to Ireland this summer. Thanks again for your prayers!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nothing New Under the Sun

Our team has had the incredible privilege of serving God in Ireland. God has impressed several things upon my life through this trip. The first thing I have learned is similar the people are to Americans. Yes, there are cultural and psychological differences between the two people groups, but both people possess the same sin nature. The volitional sins may be different, but the same sin nature remains the same. However, we can be thankful that the same God as well is here in Ireland. God must break the hearts of stone of the people in Ireland, just like He must do in the United States.


Sunday, May 23, 2010


We have successfully transitioned to our new ministry with the Snodes in Derry. We are facing limitations again this week with access to the internet. We will post as often as possible but please understand if we do not post everyday.

Mr. H